Use Email and Password that you provided during registration.
Information on the processing of personal data (art. 13 of Legislative Decree. N. 196/03): Under Article. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/03 (Code regarding the protection of personal data), in relation to your data that we have received, or that will come to us and that we deal / treat, we inform you as follows:
We will treat your personal and fiscal data, as well as the economic data that are necessary for the performance of contractual relationships or for promotional activities, in place or entertain in the future.
The processing of data is / will be done through the use of that guarantee security tools and procedures and confidentiality and can be done either by paper or through the use of electronic tools. In any case, the treatment will be out with fairness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your diritti.Per As regards the data that we need to know in order to fulfill the obligations required by laws, regulations and legislation, or provisions issued by authorities entitled by law and by the vigilance and control, failure on your part will make it impossible to establish or continue the relationship, to the extent that such data are required for the same. As for the data we are not obliged to know, their missed achievement will be evaluated by us from time to time, and the resulting decisions regarding the importance for us of the data requested and not conferred by you.
Your data are / will be processed in accordance with contractual requirements and the consequent fulfillment of legal and fiscal obligations, as well as to enable effective management of financial and commerciali.I data they will be processed for the duration of the contractual relationship and also subsequently, for the fulfillment of legal obligations and for administrative and commercial purposes, and for marketing operations (such as notices of promotions or new product launches). The processing of data is / will be done through the use of that guarantee security tools and procedures and confidentiality and can be done either by paper or through the use of electronic tools. In any case, the treatment will be out with fairness and transparency, protecting your privacy and your rights.
Your data will not be distributed by us (meaning to give knowledge to undetermined); They may instead be disclosed by us (meaning to give knowledge to one or more subjects).
- to subjects which can access your data based on the provision of law, regulation or legislation, within the limits set by these rules;
- to individuals who need access to your data for purposes ancillary to the relationship between you and us, the extent strictly necessary to carry out auxiliary tasks entrusted to them (for example: banks and freight forwarders);
- To our consultants, to the extent necessary to carry out their duties in our company, subject to our letter of appointment clearly stating their duty of confidentiality and security in processing of data.
As regards the data that we need to know in order to fulfill the obligations required by laws, regulations and legislation, or provisions issued by authorities entitled by law and by the vigilance and control, failure on your part will make it impossible to establish or continue the relationship, to the extent that such data are required for the same. As for the data we are not obliged to know, their missed achievement will be evaluated by us from time to time, and the resulting decisions regarding the importance for us of the data requested and not conferred by you.